I got a pair of games in with the Ravyn list I posted previously. A word of warning - I'm not particularly good at writing battle reports.
Here is the Ravyn list:
Retribution Army - 75 / 75 points
[Theme] Defenders of Ios
(Ravyn 1) Ravyn, The Eternal Light [+30]
- Helios [34]
Arcanist Mechanik [2]
Arcanist Mechanik [2]
Eiryss, Mage Hunter of Ios [0(7)]
Fane Knight Skeryth Issyen [0(8)]
Houseguard Thane [0(4)]
House Vyre Electromancers [8]
House Vyre Electromancers [8]
Houseguard Halberdiers (max) [13]
- Houseguard Halberdier Officer & Standard [4]
Arcantrik Force Generator [17]
Arcantrik Force Generator [17]
Game 1 was against a Nemo3 list that my buddy was testing out. It had a pair of storm towers and a whole bunch of storm smiths. I don't believe I have ever seen a storm tower in the wild. The list is at the end. I will have ADR sideboard in the event I am running ravyn at in a couple of weeks but I decided to test the base list in both games so no substitutions were made.
We were playing on the Pit II. There was a small obstruction slightly off center of the table. My side had a wall on my left and a forest on my right as well as a hill left center. His side had a forest, some water, and a hill. There was another terrain piece along the center line.
I won the roll and opted to go first. I deployed with Helios in the center and an AFG on either side of it. The electromancers and Issyen were on my right and the halbs and eyriss on my left. I put snipe on the right AFG (Nemo3 stopping pushes is rough times) and move forward cautiously to stay out of his range on bottom 1.
He deploys with dynamo central and a strider mirroring my afgs. Stormsmiths are spread all over and the fire flies are in between dynamo on the striders. He puts arcane shield on the right strider, electrify on Dynamo, and Magnetic field is up on Nemo. He moves forward somewhat slowly as to not put his whole army in gun range on top 2, Laddermore runs forward to get into the center zone to stop my from trying to lock him out. She is hanging out directly behind the obstruction
On top 2 I realize I can cycle snipe around and get 2 non-aiming and 2 aiming AFG shots into the unbuffed strider. By my math that should leave me with a decent shot of finishing it off with a deadly shot from Eiryss. The AFGs end up leaving it on 6 boxes but I go ahead and hit it with the deadly shot anyway because not much else is in range. Halbs get desperate pace and minifeat to make a few charges into Laddermore. I expect to lose most of them on bottom2 anyway. They do manage to dismount Laddermore but none were in range to finish her off. My electromancers run - some into zones to be annoying and a couple of them up to the right hand strider to slow it down. Issyen chills in range to charge the strider next turn. Helios moves forward but after thinking about it stays out of Dynamo range and puts up Distortion field.
Bottom 2- I figured this was going to be Nemo's feat. He does have a little positioning problem though. Because of snipe I was able to sit pretty far back and because his list lacks speed he ends up struggling to leverage all of his guns and buffs. Dynamo gets filled up. Nemo goes ahead and feats and starts the killing of halbs. He ends up with a weird decision here. Because Nemo needs to move forward some he decided to cycle electrify onto Nemo and drop magnetic field. Between his gun, finch, and some stormsmiths they manage to clear out most of the halbs so the fireflies can run into position.
The first strider advances and starts shooting Helios. It is not able to get within 10" of Helios so he needs 8s to hit. He ends up boosting both attack rolls and is only able to boost 1 damage roll. His damage rolls weren't great either and Helios only ends up taking 16 damage. Dynamo walks up and casually shoots my right most afg (the one that had to move to shoot the strider) off the table. A couple of stormsmiths try to kill eiryss needing 8s. Both miss. 2 more smiths try to melee one of the 2 electromancers engaging his right Strider. Again both fail. Junior barely misses one of the 2 electromancers engaging the strider as it was engaged and in a forest. Acosta ends up killing it. The strider can now squeeze through and make some shots onto Helios. That is basically everything as the storm towers got stuck a little bit and were out of range. His feat turn ends with Helios still mostly functional.
Top 3 - We don't really need to play much out here. Nemo3 is in range of the still sniped afg, Eiryss, and the subsequent drags from Helios. We call the game here
Thoughts - Being able to sit the AFGs pretty far back was quite strong because of how difficult it made it for my opponent to achieve the normal output of a Nemo3 feat turn. Had he moved more aggressively on bottom 1 both AFGs would have been able to aim into a strider and likely kill it. Neither of us were particularly impressed by the stormsmith version of Nemo. My opponent will likely go back to a stormlance version as that provides some much needed speed to the list.
Going first seems to be pretty important for my list to function fully as I have substantial ranged threats that can hold a lot of targets. I think my deployment needs some work. I think in a match up against a small number of big targets I should have put Helios to one side and an AFG in the middle. It would have let me focus down a big piece more easily and quite possibly left him with no targets for bottom 2. This is also a match up where with ADR I think I make a few subs and bring out more long range threats.
This time against Haley3 grave diggers. Again I opted not to make any sideboard moves because I wanted to test the base list. Again I go first we stay on the same sides. This game got really grindy.
Top 1 I put snipe on one of my units of electromancers but otherwise deploy very similarly to last game. I put out a veil of mists to protect Issyen.
Bottom 1 He does normal haley3 grave diggers things. He gets an express team shot onto an electromancer that Issyen shield guards. Long gunners move up and kill a halb or 2. Haley puts tac supremacy on the trenchers, puts out flux, and her echoes. Trenchers move up. The sniper kills a halb, the WAs drift some shots at the electromancers and kill 3 (oof). The rest cloud up. The tac supremacy move puts most of them behind the clouds.
Top 2 I can kill a pair of grenadiers and get some leaps into the trenchers but because of the clouds that looks like all I'll do. Issyen charges the grenadier and does some damage. He kills one of the WA attachments with an impact the other toughs. He repos away and it misses the freestrike. The right afg goes and finishes it off with the first shot. It then takes a shot at a back trencher. The remaining electromancers go. I roll 1 bounce with each of them. It kills the other WA and one other trencher. The last leap hits the middle grenadier and does little. Halbs mini feat and 5 of them charge into the third grenadier killing it. They reposition through the clouds and into some trenchers. I forget Finn exists. My left AFG runs to get into the left zone
Bottom 2 He wants to kill most of the halbs without activating the trenchers so he can cloud again. Haley goes and casts flux. The remaining grenadier kills a trencher. Finn goes and manages to kill 4ish trenchers before he cant reach any more. My spacing wasn't as horrible as I first thought apparently. The long gunners clear out a bunch of the remaining halbs. The express team takes a shot on Issyen and dismounts him. He ends up dying to a trench buster. Young Haley throws out a chain blasts and the second deviation manages to land on Eiryss killing her. Trenchers rebuild their cloud wall.
Top 3 I see the opportunity to snag some points. I also end up feating this turn which I think was a mistake. My left AFG kills his objective and is the only thing in that zone. Ravyn feats, puts snipe on her self, aims, and kills Old Haley. Helios walks forward straddling the center and right zones. It kills the last grenadier and drags in and kills a Buster and puts up Distortion. The right AFG toughs the express gun and kills the spotter after clearing the trencher still in the right zone. I score 3.
Bottom 3: This needs to be Haley's feat turn to try to kill Helios. Ayana goes first and misses the harm on a def 12 helios. Holt still does some damage though. A couple of the remaining trenchers charge helios and put a few more points on it. Ragman walks up to get Death Field out. Haley goes and feats. Between her charge and young Haley's attacks they leave Helios on about 16 boxes. The remaining Trench buster is able to charge in (no assault didn't want to risk poltergeist) and finishs it off on the last attack. Finn contests the zone my AFG is in. The Long gunners start firing at the AFG and between their 2 mass CRAs manage to do a lot of work they also mini feat. He runs the remaining express team guy into the center zone to score a point (I should've put something else in the zone here)
Top 4: With my feat gone I can't really threaten Haley camping 4 and under flux so I try to go to 5 push scenario. The left AFG aims and fails to kill Finn after hitting him twice. He toughed after the second momentum. I probably should have just shot him with the destructor after the first momentum failed to push him out of the zone. I'm not sure what my thought process was there. Ravyn and the right AFG manage to clear out the right zone but I fail to kill the trench buster. I run some stuff into the central zone (4-1)
Bottom 4: The long gunners finish off the left AFG but he has nothing to actually score that zone. He clears the central zone and closes in on the right AFG. Score 4-2
Top 5: I'm quickly running out of pieces as basically all I have left is one electromancer, an AFG, and Ravyn. Thinking back on this I wonder if I could have run my electromancer at Haley and momentum cannoned it to knock her down and hope I could kill her through camp with just the second AFG shot and whatever Ravyn could leverage. I didn't think about it at the time. I try and fail to clear the zone and he scores on my turn 4-3
Bottom 5: He kills the electromancer and the AFG and but my objective is still alive. Score is now 4-4
Top 6: I don't have much to do but I try out the Ravyn surf to see what happens. I get some good dice and made it all the way to Haley but she is camping quite a bit with flux up and I fail to hit her. I do score the right zone and it goes to 5-5. At this point I concede.
That was one long grindy game. I think I actually played this poorly. I think making the scenario play on the top of 3 was the wrong choice. I had the opportunity to drop some AoEs on the long gunners and probably still clear and score the right zone without putting Helios in charge range of the Buster. At that point I would've been able to hold my feat to be more able to threaten Haley if she came forward and would have eliminated one of the threats to an AFG.
I am surprisingly ok with playing Ravyn though. I think the pieces of the list are good enough that all they really want is for her to cast snipe and maybe a veil. More practice games are going to be required, but I think the list has some legs.
from memory these were my opponents lists:
Cygnar Army - 75 / 75 points
[Theme] Gravediggers
(Haley 3) Major Prime Victoria Haley [+25]
- Grenadier [9]
- Grenadier [9]
- Grenadier [9]
Captain Maxwell Finn [0(6)]
Commander Anson Hitch [4]
Patrol Dog [2]
Ragman [4]
Trench Buster [0(5)]
Trench Buster [5]
Lady Aiyana & Master Holt [8]
- Captain Jonas Murdoch [4]
Trencher Express Team [5]
Trencher Infantry (min) [10]
- Trencher Infantry Officer & Sniper [5]
- Trencher Infantry Rifle Grenadier (2) [4]
Trencher Long Gunners (max) [18]
- Trencher Long Gunner Officer [4]
Cygnar Army - 75 / 75 points
[Theme] Storm Division
(Nemo 3) Artificer General Nemo [+25]
- Dynamo [18]
- Firefly [8]
- Squire [0(5)]
Journeyman Warcaster [4]
- Firefly [8]
Major Katherine Laddermore [8]
Savio Montero Acosta [0(6)]
Stormsmith Stormcaller (3) [0(5)]
Stormsmith Stormcaller (3) [5]
Stormsmith Stormcaller (3) [5]
Stormsmith Storm Tower [4]
Stormsmith Storm Tower [4]
Storm Strider [18]
Storm Strider [18]
Here is the Ravyn list:
Retribution Army - 75 / 75 points
[Theme] Defenders of Ios
(Ravyn 1) Ravyn, The Eternal Light [+30]
- Helios [34]
Arcanist Mechanik [2]
Arcanist Mechanik [2]
Eiryss, Mage Hunter of Ios [0(7)]
Fane Knight Skeryth Issyen [0(8)]
Houseguard Thane [0(4)]
House Vyre Electromancers [8]
House Vyre Electromancers [8]
Houseguard Halberdiers (max) [13]
- Houseguard Halberdier Officer & Standard [4]
Arcantrik Force Generator [17]
Arcantrik Force Generator [17]
Game 1 was against a Nemo3 list that my buddy was testing out. It had a pair of storm towers and a whole bunch of storm smiths. I don't believe I have ever seen a storm tower in the wild. The list is at the end. I will have ADR sideboard in the event I am running ravyn at in a couple of weeks but I decided to test the base list in both games so no substitutions were made.
We were playing on the Pit II. There was a small obstruction slightly off center of the table. My side had a wall on my left and a forest on my right as well as a hill left center. His side had a forest, some water, and a hill. There was another terrain piece along the center line.
I won the roll and opted to go first. I deployed with Helios in the center and an AFG on either side of it. The electromancers and Issyen were on my right and the halbs and eyriss on my left. I put snipe on the right AFG (Nemo3 stopping pushes is rough times) and move forward cautiously to stay out of his range on bottom 1.
He deploys with dynamo central and a strider mirroring my afgs. Stormsmiths are spread all over and the fire flies are in between dynamo on the striders. He puts arcane shield on the right strider, electrify on Dynamo, and Magnetic field is up on Nemo. He moves forward somewhat slowly as to not put his whole army in gun range on top 2, Laddermore runs forward to get into the center zone to stop my from trying to lock him out. She is hanging out directly behind the obstruction
On top 2 I realize I can cycle snipe around and get 2 non-aiming and 2 aiming AFG shots into the unbuffed strider. By my math that should leave me with a decent shot of finishing it off with a deadly shot from Eiryss. The AFGs end up leaving it on 6 boxes but I go ahead and hit it with the deadly shot anyway because not much else is in range. Halbs get desperate pace and minifeat to make a few charges into Laddermore. I expect to lose most of them on bottom2 anyway. They do manage to dismount Laddermore but none were in range to finish her off. My electromancers run - some into zones to be annoying and a couple of them up to the right hand strider to slow it down. Issyen chills in range to charge the strider next turn. Helios moves forward but after thinking about it stays out of Dynamo range and puts up Distortion field.
Bottom 2- I figured this was going to be Nemo's feat. He does have a little positioning problem though. Because of snipe I was able to sit pretty far back and because his list lacks speed he ends up struggling to leverage all of his guns and buffs. Dynamo gets filled up. Nemo goes ahead and feats and starts the killing of halbs. He ends up with a weird decision here. Because Nemo needs to move forward some he decided to cycle electrify onto Nemo and drop magnetic field. Between his gun, finch, and some stormsmiths they manage to clear out most of the halbs so the fireflies can run into position.
The first strider advances and starts shooting Helios. It is not able to get within 10" of Helios so he needs 8s to hit. He ends up boosting both attack rolls and is only able to boost 1 damage roll. His damage rolls weren't great either and Helios only ends up taking 16 damage. Dynamo walks up and casually shoots my right most afg (the one that had to move to shoot the strider) off the table. A couple of stormsmiths try to kill eiryss needing 8s. Both miss. 2 more smiths try to melee one of the 2 electromancers engaging his right Strider. Again both fail. Junior barely misses one of the 2 electromancers engaging the strider as it was engaged and in a forest. Acosta ends up killing it. The strider can now squeeze through and make some shots onto Helios. That is basically everything as the storm towers got stuck a little bit and were out of range. His feat turn ends with Helios still mostly functional.
Top 3 - We don't really need to play much out here. Nemo3 is in range of the still sniped afg, Eiryss, and the subsequent drags from Helios. We call the game here
Thoughts - Being able to sit the AFGs pretty far back was quite strong because of how difficult it made it for my opponent to achieve the normal output of a Nemo3 feat turn. Had he moved more aggressively on bottom 1 both AFGs would have been able to aim into a strider and likely kill it. Neither of us were particularly impressed by the stormsmith version of Nemo. My opponent will likely go back to a stormlance version as that provides some much needed speed to the list.
Going first seems to be pretty important for my list to function fully as I have substantial ranged threats that can hold a lot of targets. I think my deployment needs some work. I think in a match up against a small number of big targets I should have put Helios to one side and an AFG in the middle. It would have let me focus down a big piece more easily and quite possibly left him with no targets for bottom 2. This is also a match up where with ADR I think I make a few subs and bring out more long range threats.
This time against Haley3 grave diggers. Again I opted not to make any sideboard moves because I wanted to test the base list. Again I go first we stay on the same sides. This game got really grindy.
Top 1 I put snipe on one of my units of electromancers but otherwise deploy very similarly to last game. I put out a veil of mists to protect Issyen.
Bottom 1 He does normal haley3 grave diggers things. He gets an express team shot onto an electromancer that Issyen shield guards. Long gunners move up and kill a halb or 2. Haley puts tac supremacy on the trenchers, puts out flux, and her echoes. Trenchers move up. The sniper kills a halb, the WAs drift some shots at the electromancers and kill 3 (oof). The rest cloud up. The tac supremacy move puts most of them behind the clouds.
Top 2 I can kill a pair of grenadiers and get some leaps into the trenchers but because of the clouds that looks like all I'll do. Issyen charges the grenadier and does some damage. He kills one of the WA attachments with an impact the other toughs. He repos away and it misses the freestrike. The right afg goes and finishes it off with the first shot. It then takes a shot at a back trencher. The remaining electromancers go. I roll 1 bounce with each of them. It kills the other WA and one other trencher. The last leap hits the middle grenadier and does little. Halbs mini feat and 5 of them charge into the third grenadier killing it. They reposition through the clouds and into some trenchers. I forget Finn exists. My left AFG runs to get into the left zone
Bottom 2 He wants to kill most of the halbs without activating the trenchers so he can cloud again. Haley goes and casts flux. The remaining grenadier kills a trencher. Finn goes and manages to kill 4ish trenchers before he cant reach any more. My spacing wasn't as horrible as I first thought apparently. The long gunners clear out a bunch of the remaining halbs. The express team takes a shot on Issyen and dismounts him. He ends up dying to a trench buster. Young Haley throws out a chain blasts and the second deviation manages to land on Eiryss killing her. Trenchers rebuild their cloud wall.
Top 3 I see the opportunity to snag some points. I also end up feating this turn which I think was a mistake. My left AFG kills his objective and is the only thing in that zone. Ravyn feats, puts snipe on her self, aims, and kills Old Haley. Helios walks forward straddling the center and right zones. It kills the last grenadier and drags in and kills a Buster and puts up Distortion. The right AFG toughs the express gun and kills the spotter after clearing the trencher still in the right zone. I score 3.
Bottom 3: This needs to be Haley's feat turn to try to kill Helios. Ayana goes first and misses the harm on a def 12 helios. Holt still does some damage though. A couple of the remaining trenchers charge helios and put a few more points on it. Ragman walks up to get Death Field out. Haley goes and feats. Between her charge and young Haley's attacks they leave Helios on about 16 boxes. The remaining Trench buster is able to charge in (no assault didn't want to risk poltergeist) and finishs it off on the last attack. Finn contests the zone my AFG is in. The Long gunners start firing at the AFG and between their 2 mass CRAs manage to do a lot of work they also mini feat. He runs the remaining express team guy into the center zone to score a point (I should've put something else in the zone here)
Top 4: With my feat gone I can't really threaten Haley camping 4 and under flux so I try to go to 5 push scenario. The left AFG aims and fails to kill Finn after hitting him twice. He toughed after the second momentum. I probably should have just shot him with the destructor after the first momentum failed to push him out of the zone. I'm not sure what my thought process was there. Ravyn and the right AFG manage to clear out the right zone but I fail to kill the trench buster. I run some stuff into the central zone (4-1)
Bottom 4: The long gunners finish off the left AFG but he has nothing to actually score that zone. He clears the central zone and closes in on the right AFG. Score 4-2
Top 5: I'm quickly running out of pieces as basically all I have left is one electromancer, an AFG, and Ravyn. Thinking back on this I wonder if I could have run my electromancer at Haley and momentum cannoned it to knock her down and hope I could kill her through camp with just the second AFG shot and whatever Ravyn could leverage. I didn't think about it at the time. I try and fail to clear the zone and he scores on my turn 4-3
Bottom 5: He kills the electromancer and the AFG and but my objective is still alive. Score is now 4-4
Top 6: I don't have much to do but I try out the Ravyn surf to see what happens. I get some good dice and made it all the way to Haley but she is camping quite a bit with flux up and I fail to hit her. I do score the right zone and it goes to 5-5. At this point I concede.
That was one long grindy game. I think I actually played this poorly. I think making the scenario play on the top of 3 was the wrong choice. I had the opportunity to drop some AoEs on the long gunners and probably still clear and score the right zone without putting Helios in charge range of the Buster. At that point I would've been able to hold my feat to be more able to threaten Haley if she came forward and would have eliminated one of the threats to an AFG.
I am surprisingly ok with playing Ravyn though. I think the pieces of the list are good enough that all they really want is for her to cast snipe and maybe a veil. More practice games are going to be required, but I think the list has some legs.
from memory these were my opponents lists:
Cygnar Army - 75 / 75 points
[Theme] Gravediggers
(Haley 3) Major Prime Victoria Haley [+25]
- Grenadier [9]
- Grenadier [9]
- Grenadier [9]
Captain Maxwell Finn [0(6)]
Commander Anson Hitch [4]
Patrol Dog [2]
Ragman [4]
Trench Buster [0(5)]
Trench Buster [5]
Lady Aiyana & Master Holt [8]
- Captain Jonas Murdoch [4]
Trencher Express Team [5]
Trencher Infantry (min) [10]
- Trencher Infantry Officer & Sniper [5]
- Trencher Infantry Rifle Grenadier (2) [4]
Trencher Long Gunners (max) [18]
- Trencher Long Gunner Officer [4]
Cygnar Army - 75 / 75 points
[Theme] Storm Division
(Nemo 3) Artificer General Nemo [+25]
- Dynamo [18]
- Firefly [8]
- Squire [0(5)]
Journeyman Warcaster [4]
- Firefly [8]
Major Katherine Laddermore [8]
Savio Montero Acosta [0(6)]
Stormsmith Stormcaller (3) [0(5)]
Stormsmith Stormcaller (3) [5]
Stormsmith Stormcaller (3) [5]
Stormsmith Storm Tower [4]
Stormsmith Storm Tower [4]
Storm Strider [18]
Storm Strider [18]
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