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Ravyn battle report set 2

I modified the Ravyn list a little since last time.  Here is the new test list:

Retribution Army - 75 / 75 points
[Theme] Defenders of Ios

(Ravyn 1) Ravyn, The Eternal Light [+30]
 - Helios [34]
Arcanist Mechanik [2]
Eiryss, Mage Hunter of Ios [0(7)]
Fane Knight Skeryth Issyen [0(8)]
Houseguard Thane [0(4)]
House Vyre Electromancers [8]
Houseguard Halberdiers (min) [8]
 - Houseguard Halberdier Officer & Standard [4]
Houseguard Riflemen (max) [15]
Arcantrik Force Generator [17]
Arcantrik Force Generator [17]

Honestly I was kind of excited to put Riflemen on the table again.  I don't think I have used them since Ossyan lost deadeye.

My 2 games were against Rasheth in Winds of Death with double turtles and Makeda1 Masters of war.  The lists are to the best of my memory.  Both games were played using the Standoff scenario.  This is my second least favorite scenario ahead of only Spread the Net.  Neither is particularly great for my bombardment style. 

Game 1
Skorne Army - 75 / 75 points
[Theme] Winds of Death

(Rasheth 1) Dominar Rasheth [+28]
 - Basilisk Krea [7]
 - Cyclops Shaman [8]
 - Titan Cannoneer [17]
Extoller Soulward [0(3)]
Venator Dakar [0(4)]
Paingiver Beast Handlers (min) [5]
Paingiver Beast Handlers (min) [5]
Venator Catapult Crew [0(5)]
Venator Reivers (max) [15]
 - Venator Reiver Officer & Standard [4]
Venator Slingers (min) [8]
Siege Animantarax [17]
Siege Animantarax [17]

I lose the roll and end up going second.  Foolishly I pick the side with the wall despite how much that wall will mess with my pile of huge bases. 

My opponent deploys a siege animantarax on either flank.  He has a min unit of slingers on my left the cannoneer and the catapult are mostly centralized. The Dakar, the soulward, and the unit of reivers is on the right with the other Siege Animantarax bookending the formation. 

I deploy the Helios on the left with the rifles even further out.  The halbs are centralized with an AFG center and right.  The electromancers and Issyen are on the outside left. 

Turn 1
Top 1 My opponent moves up pretty aggresively getting Rasheth up behind the theme wall in the krea bubble.  The slingers end up on a hill out in front of the turtle on the left.  The reivers run into a forest onto the right with the right turtle actually hanging back some.  The Catapult drifts an AoE and kills Halb.

Bottom 1 I start by killing 3 of the slingers with the rifles.  The Afgs both run forward.  Helios uses distortion field and moves up on the center left to avoid the wall.  The halbs move forward near the central obstruction in shield wall with desperate pace.  I probably should've used my reform to spread out better.  Issyen and the electromancers slide up toward a gap between a forest and the right AFG.  Ravyn puts out a cloud to close the gap blocking line of sight to them.  She snipes the middle AFG.

Turn 2
My opponent starts by using the slingers to try to flare helios.  The last attempt does get the 9 to hit and helios is flared.  Rasheth activates and throws out blood mark on helios through one of the slingers.  He also drifts a breath of corruption at the halbs killing another.  The soulward gives eyeless sight to the cannoneer.  It has to move forward past the theme wall to shoot Issyen.  It does hit him but with a poor damage roll only does a couple of points.  The reivers and the right hand turtle move up and put some shoots into the AFG but only do a handful of points.  The Krea puts its bubble back up.  The left Turtle moves up outside of Helios charge range and puts a few points of damage into his shield.

Bottom 2.  Rasheth's stats are so bad that I think about trying to kill him with Eiryss and the AFGs.  Unfortunately the center AFG can't see him around the obstruction.  I upkeep snipe and give 1 to helios.  The halbs get desperate pace and mini feat charging at the remaining couple of slingers with 1 running in front of the turtle.  The rifles walk up and put a big CRA into the turtle doing a few points.  The right AFG aims and takes a momentum shot onto the Cannoneer knocking it down.   The second shot is the AoE and kills a couple of reivers. 

Issyen goes and charges the one Reiver that had strayed into his range.  He kills it and repositions into the rectangle zone to contest.  The electromancers walk up and 2 are able to get range to Issyen to leap off of him* and kill a few more reivers.  I'm not sure what to do with the center AFG so it just takes some shots at the right hand turtle.  It has poor damage rolls and doesn't do a lot.  Range 20 is sweet though.  Eiryss hits is with a deadly shot and hides behind the obstruction with the thane.  Helios gets a third focus from the arcanist. It walks up  to the front corner of my rectangle pulls in the Cannoneer and kills it with punches again using distortion.  Ravyn casts vortex on herself because I have the focus and moves to a position where Rasheth will need to move over the wall to catch her in feat.

Score 1-0 ret

Turn 3

Blood mark is upkept.  My opponent activates the Dakar prior to feating with Rasheth (I offer to let him feat first after he activates but he opts to play it as is).  The Dakar misses Issyen.  Rasheth then activates and does feat.  Helios the halbs, Issyen, and the center afg are in feat.  The units of beast handlers walk up and heal their respective turtles basically back to full.  The right hand turtle charges Issyen dismounting him and then killing him with the guns.  The reivers are kinda blocked in but take a couple of shots at the Electromancers missing.  The left turtle unjams itself with an independent attack and charges Helios.  It leaves helios on 7 boxes.  The damage from these things with Rasheth is kind of absurd.  I feel fortunate the right turtle was too far out and hadn't also been able to put some guns into helios.  The catapult tries to hit him but misses from distortion and drifts harmlessly.  We both score our respective rectangles

Score 2-1 ret

Bottom of 3 I repair 2 boxes on helios thanks to the objective bringing him back to full efficiency.  Ravyn gave him 2 focus and upkept both spells.  Ravyn activates first and runs into the left hand circle getting the turtle in melee for vortex.  The arcanist gives helios concentrated power and it activates and kills the turtle.  The remaining halb charges at the catapult forcing a take up and keeping it engaged while contesting the zone.  Some of my rifles aim and some move up and with some aimed CRA combos kill all four of the beast handlers on the left clearing that zone for Ravyn to score. 

The AFGs both take aimed shots at the right Turtle doing some decent damage.  The electromancers kill another couple of reivers leaving just one.  Eiryss plinks the turtle for 3 more.  The Thane charges the turtle doing a couple of more points and leaving it on just a couple of boxes.  I score both the left circle and my rectangle
Score 4-1

Turn 4

He realizes he can't really kill ravyn this turn but wants to finish of Helios.  The handlers walk up and heal the turtle for a couple.  The Dakar and the reiver fail to kill the Thane.  Rasheth does kill the the thane doing a couple of points to the Dakar in the process.  The turtle charges in and kills helios, eiryss, and my objective. 

Score 5-2

Bottom of 4 all I need to do clear a few pieces to win.  I drop snipe but upkeep vortex.  Ravyn feats and charges the almost dead turtle.  She kills it with 2 attacks and kills the Dakar with one of her shots.  The rifles move into the left zone and put a CRA into the objective.  The AFGs finish off the objective.  The electromancers move into the right zone and kill the rest of the beast handlers clearing that zone.  I end the game with a 4 point round winning on scenario 9-2.  At the very end of the game we realize the shaman never actually made it to the table.

Game 2
Skorne Army - 74 / 75 points
[Theme] Masters of War

(Makeda 1) Archdomina Makeda [+29]
 - Molik Karn [19]
 - Scarab Pack [10]
 - Titan Gladiator [15]
Mortitheurge Willbreaker [4]
Tyrant Rhadeim [9]
Legends of Halaak [8]
Paingiver Beast Handlers (min) [5]
Praetorian Ferox (max) [20]
Praetorian Swordsmen (max) [13]
 - Praetorian Swordsman Officer & Standard [0(4)]
Tyrant Commander & Standard Bearer [0(6)]

I play the same list but this time against makeda1.  Again I lose the roll however with no wall from theme my opponent takes the side with the wall and I get first turn.  I deploy helios centrally this game but otherwise my modules stay the same.  Electromancers and Issyen on the left flank, AFG and halbs on the near left, Helios center right, AFG on the right, Rifles on the far right.  

My opponent deploys a unit of swordsmen on my left, the legends of halaak just inside of them.  The Tycom, handlers, and battlegroup are center, and a unit of ferox, a willbreaker, and Rhadeim on my right.

Turn 1 
With no guns to fear I move up aggressively keeping the rifles out of range of the cats.  Snipe goes out on the left AFG and vortex goes up on ravyn.  The halbs swing towards the swordsmen near the objective.

Bottom 1 Skorne also moves up aggressively.  Cats get tough and form a wall in front of Molik and the Gladiator.  Makeda puts quicken on Molik and pops feat to blunt my alpha and moves behind the heavies with her scarab pack o' shield guards surrounding her. 

Turn 2

I upkeep both spells and hold onto the rest of Ravyn's stack.  Some of the swords are out of Makeda's feat so I start going to work.  The left AFG aims and pops 4 or 5 swordsmen with AoEs.  The halbs get desperate pace and mini feat charging in and killing a few more.  Makeda takes a few damage keeping one or 2 alive in addition to the CA.  Issyen sets up to charge the stragglers next turn with his accompaniment of electromancers prepared to spark off of him next turn as well.  The right hand AFG shoots a couple of cats forcing Makeda to take a few more damage.  The Rifles leave a third cat on 1 box.  Helios puts up Distortion and Repulsor

Bottom 2 weirdness ensues a little bit.  The cats charge in doing some damage to my objective, a couple of points to helios, and killing 2 rifles.  The reposition makes a pocket for Molik and clearing a spot for rhadeim to finish off the objective and one contests my zone.  Rhadeim proceeds to do this easily.  The swords clean up the the couple of halbs in his zone and leave 2 or 3 alive.  The willbreaker runs to provide the beast master bubble to Molik.  Molik gets rush and enrage and charges into Helios.  Proceeds to miss the charge attack.  My opponent tilts a little bit and forgets about future sight.  He ends up getting pushed 3" out but puts up fate walker and slides away into a spot I'm not really able to reach.  The scarabs run up to shield guard for Molik so I can't drag him back in.  Makeda slides behind a wall to stay alive.

Score 0-2 Skorne

Having Helios basically full is nice but I'm behind on scenario and don't think I can actually kill Molik this turn anyway.  Ravyn upkeeps both spells hands out 1.  She activates, feats, and puts up a veil to be able to slide through the edge of Helios' base to charge a cat.  She kills the cat and gets a swift hunter move off of the will breaker and gets back behind the cloud and out of the way.  Helios activates and closes off any lane to Ravyn and kills a cat engaging the AFG and drags in and kills Rhadeim it puts up Repulsor.  Eiryss snipes the last cat that was on a single box.  The Thane charges and kills a cat in melee.  4 cats down is pretty good but the last one would actually score the right zone now that the whole unit is left.  I put 3 rifles into the zone that were in melee with it.  I use the rest of the rifles to put a CRA into Molik.  My opponent wisely opts to take the attack it does 4 or 5 damage.  The halbs kill a couple more swords, contest the rectangle, and Issyen kills the CA clearing that zone.  The electromancers reposition but don't have much to do.  The AFGs both start working on Molik.  Only 2 shots actually get through the shield guards but it leaves Molik knocked down with both his mind and spirit out.

Score 2-2 

Turn 3

Makeda upkeeps quicken.  She activates and heals molik for 2.  The Tycom slides over and uses Reveille to stand up Molik.  The legends charge into Issyen dismounting him but failing to kill.  The gladiator clears the rectangle zone.  Molik get enraged but can't get the free charge due to distance.  It charges into Helios doing about half its boxes and crippling the left arm.  The remaining cat kills 2 of the 3 rifles in the zone and repositions to engage all but 1 of them.  

Score 2-3 Skorne

Bottom of 3 I upkeep both spells and try to figure out how to kill Molik prior to activating Helios.  He only has a handful of boxes left and if I can get that done I'll be able to drag in the gladiator and basically finish the game.  Ravyn gives out 1 to Helios.  Eiryss aims and hits doing 3 more damage to Molik.  The thane charges and also hits managing to kill Molik freeing up Helios.  The rifles walk away from the cat with all but 1 dying to free strikes.  The 2 alive rifles walk into the right zone.  The right AFG kills the last cat and kills a scarab.  The left AFG knocks down the gladiator and puts a shot into a scarab killing it.  Issyen kills the legend with the maces clearing the zone.  Helios gets CP and drags in the gladiator killing it.  I score both the left zone and my rectangle.

Score 4-3 Ret

Turn 4
There isn't much left on the skorne side of the board.  The Tycom kills the last of the halbs.  The 2 remaining scarabs kill a rifleman and Makeda charges and kills a rifle clearing that zone.  The legends finish of Issyen but do not get into the zone.

Score 5-4 Ret

Bottom of 4 I can either kill makeda now that she had no transfer targets or just play safe attempt to clear the right zone and win on scenario next turn.  Ravyn upkeeps snipe, activates, and moves away from makeda to be completely safe.  Helios aims and moves a beast handler out of the zone.  The snipe AFG kills the objective.  The electromancers clear the legends.  The right AFG moves into the circle, kills a scarab, and damages the last one.  Eiryss deadly shots the last scarab.  

Score 8-4 Ret

Skorne concedes with pretty much just Makeda left on the table


I don't usually play longer games like these.  The list held up well and I think min halbs + CA worked very nicely.  The rifles were pretty useful against infantry and taking up space.  Ravyn still feels like she doesn't actually do a ton but again snipe is really good in ret.  I keep forgetting to use the swift hunter portion of her feat.  That would've enabled me to contest the circles better in the second game.  The threat ranges on Ravyn have kept my opponents really far back in all four games I have played with her.  Both of them are aware of my tendency to assassinate early if given the opportunity.  The positioning isn't as difficult as it is playing against say Rahn but both Rasheth and Nemo3 had their feats blunted by the required distances.    

The molik miss was unfortunate in game 2.  My opponent's plan was to hit and use the side steps to tuck in underneath of a cat to stop from being pushed away.  With where he ended up and me not being able to kill him anyway I'm not sure it was super impactful to the game on the table but it was to the mental game. 

The event I am playing Ravyn at is next weekend.  I'm actually enjoying her more than I expected.  The list will be basically the same as above but I do get ADR.


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