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The Defenders Project

So I feel like right now defenders is so much better than all of our other themes that basically every caster in the faction can just play in defenders.  With that thought I decided to sit down and make a defenders list I like for each caster.  My theory is basically that 1-2 AFGs + 1-2 Halbs = best generic list in ret so each list will also include at least one afg and one unit of halbs.


Retribution Army - 75 / 75 points
[Theme] Defenders of Ios

(Rahn 1) Adeptis Rahn [+26]
 - Chimera [8]
 - Chimera [8]
 - Discordia [18]
 - Sylys Wyshnalyrr, The Seeker [0(4)]
Arcanist Mechanik [2]
Eiryss, Mage Hunter of Ios [0(7)]
Fane Knight Skeryth Issyen [0(8)]
Houseguard Halberdiers (max) [13]
 - Houseguard Halberdier Officer & Standard [4]
Lynus Wesselbaum & Edrea Lloryrr [5]
Stormfall Archers [9]
Arcantrik Force Generator [17]

Arcantrik Force Generator [17]

Vyros 1

Retribution Army - 75 / 75 points
[Theme] Defenders of Ios

(Vyros 1) Dawnlord Vyros [+28]
 - Harpy [9]
 - Harpy [9]
 - Harpy [9]
 - Siren [8]
 - Siren [8]
 - Siren [8]
Arcanist Mechanik [2]
Arcanist Mechanik [2]
Arcanist Mechanik [2]
Fane Knight Skeryth Issyen [0(8)]
Houseguard Thane [0(4)]
Houseguard Thane [4]
Houseguard Halberdiers (min) [8]
 - Houseguard Halberdier Officer & Standard [4]
 - Soulless Escort (1) [1]
Houseguard Halberdiers (min) [8]
 - Houseguard Halberdier Officer & Standard [4]
Arcantrik Force Generator [17]

I went with 2 min units here to be able to spread out more for feat and because 2 max units left me having to pull a harpy.  Still probably doable with double max.


Retribution Army - 75 / 75 points
[Theme] Defenders of Ios

(Elara 2) Elara, Death's Shadow [+28]
 - Harpy [9]
 - Phoenix [18]
 - Siren [8]
Arcanist Mechanik [2]
Houseguard Thane [0(4)]
Houseguard Thane [0(4)]
Houseguard Halberdiers (max) [13]
 - Houseguard Halberdier Officer & Standard [0(4)]
 - Soulless Escort (1) [1]
Houseguard Halberdiers (max) [13]
 - Houseguard Halberdier Officer & Standard [4]
 - Soulless Escort (1) [1]
Arcantrik Force Generator [17]
Arcantrik Force Generator [17]


Retribution Army - 74 / 75 points
[Theme] Defenders of Ios

(Garryth 1) Garryth, the Blade of Retribution [+29]
 - Harpy [9]
 - Harpy [9]
 - Moros [11]
 - Sylys Wyshnalyrr, The Seeker [0(4)]
Arcanist Mechanik [2]
Arcanist Mechanik [2]
Eiryss, Mage Hunter of Ios [0(7)]
Fane Knight Skeryth Issyen [0(8)]
Houseguard Thane [4]
Houseguard Halberdiers (max) [13]
 - Houseguard Halberdier Officer & Standard [4]
 - Soulless Escort (1) [1]
Lynus Wesselbaum & Edrea Lloryrr [5]
Stormfall Archers [9]
Arcantrik Force Generator [17]
Arcantrik Force Generator [17]

Hey look this one has a character jack.  I thought about using the points spent on Lynus and Edrea elsewhere.  It might be worth spending the 5 points there and dropping sylys to be able to take a third harpy?  Unsure.


Retribution Army - 75 / 75 points
[Theme] Defenders of Ios

(Issyria 1) Issyria, Sibyl of Dawn [+29]
 - Harpy [9]
 - Harpy [9]
 - Hemera [16]
Arcanist Mechanik [2]
Fane Knight Skeryth Issyen [0(8)]
Houseguard Thane [0(4)]
Houseguard Thane [0(4)]
Houseguard Halberdiers (max) [13]
 - Houseguard Halberdier Officer & Standard [4]
Houseguard Halberdiers (max) [13]
 - Houseguard Halberdier Officer & Standard [4]
Arcantrik Force Generator [17]
Arcantrik Force Generator [17]


Retribution Army - 74 / 75 points
[Theme] Defenders of Ios

(Kaelyssa 1) Kaelyssa, the Night's Whisper [+29]
 - Harpy [9]
 - Harpy [9]
 - Hydra [15]
Arcanist Mechanik [2]
Arcanist Mechanik [2]
Houseguard Thane [0(4)]
Houseguard Thane [0(4)]
Houseguard Halberdiers (max) [13]
 - Houseguard Halberdier Officer & Standard [0(4)]
 - Soulless Escort (1) [1]
Houseguard Halberdiers (max) [13]
 - Houseguard Halberdier Officer & Standard [4]
 - Soulless Escort (1) [1]
Arcantrik Force Generator [17]
Arcantrik Force Generator [17]


Retribution Army - 75 / 75 points
[Theme] Defenders of Ios

(Ossyan 1) Lord Arcanist Ossyan [+28]
 - Harpy [9]
 - Harpy [9]
 - Hypnos [18]
Arcanist Mechanik [0(2)]
Arcanist Mechanik [2]
Fane Knight Skeryth Issyen [0(8)]
Houseguard Thane [0(4)]
Houseguard Halberdiers (max) [13]
 - Houseguard Halberdier Officer & Standard [4]
Lynus Wesselbaum & Edrea Lloryrr [5]
Stormfall Archers [9]
Arcantrik Force Generator [17]
Arcantrik Force Generator [17]


Retribution Army - 74 / 75 points
[Theme] Defenders of Ios

(Goreshade 4) Lord Ghyrrshyld, The Forgiven [+28]
 - Harpy [9]
 - Harpy [9]
 - Harpy [9]
 - Hydra [15]
Arcanist Mechanik [2]
Arcanist Mechanik [2]
Eiryss, Mage Hunter of Ios [0(7)]
Fane Knight Skeryth Issyen [0(8)]
Houseguard Thane [4]
Houseguard Halberdiers (max) [13]
 - Houseguard Halberdier Officer & Standard [4]
 - Soulless Escort (1) [1]
Arcantrik Force Generator [17]
Arcantrik Force Generator [17]

Not sure about the hydra here.  Hydra with mage sight seems alright.  Could probably swap it out for electromancers or stormfalls or something to get the last free solo.


Retribution Army - 75 / 75 points
[Theme] Defenders of Ios

(Helynna 1) Magister Helynna [+30]
 - Harpy [9]
 - Harpy [9]
 - Harpy [9]
 - Phoenix [18]
Arcanist Mechanik [2]
Arcanist Mechanik [2]
Eiryss, Mage Hunter of Ios [0(7)]
Fane Knight Skeryth Issyen [0(8)]
Houseguard Thane [4]
Houseguard Halberdiers (max) [13]
 - Houseguard Halberdier Officer & Standard [4]
 - Soulless Escort (1) [1]
Arcantrik Force Generator [17]
Arcantrik Force Generator [17]


Retribution Army - 75 / 75 points
[Theme] Defenders of Ios

(Ravyn 1) Ravyn, The Eternal Light [+30]
 - Helios [34]
Arcanist Mechanik [2]
Arcanist Mechanik [2]
Eiryss, Mage Hunter of Ios [0(7)]
Fane Knight Skeryth Issyen [0(8)]
Houseguard Thane [0(4)]
House Vyre Electromancers [8]
House Vyre Electromancers [8]
Houseguard Halberdiers (max) [13]
 - Houseguard Halberdier Officer & Standard [4]
Arcantrik Force Generator [17]
Arcantrik Force Generator [17]


Retribution Army - 75 / 75 points
[Theme] Defenders of Ios

(Thyron 1) Thyron, Sword of Truth [+27]
 - Banshee [18]
 - Harpy [9]
 - Fane Knight Guardian [0(4)]
Arcanist Mechanik [2]
Arcanist Mechanik [2]
Eiryss, Mage Hunter of Ios [0(7)]
Fane Knight Skeryth Issyen [0(8)]
Houseguard Thane [4]
Lys Healer [3]
Heavy Rifle Team [4]
Houseguard Halberdiers (max) [13]
 - Houseguard Halberdier Officer & Standard [4]
Stormfall Archers [9]
Arcantrik Force Generator [17]
Arcantrik Force Generator [17]


Retribution Army - 75 / 75 points
[Theme] Defenders of Ios

(Vyros 2) Vyros, Incissar of the Dawnguard [+27]
 - Harpy [9]
 - Harpy [9]
 - Harpy [9]
 - Siren [8]
 - Siren [8]
 - Siren [8]
Arcanist Mechanik [2]
Arcanist Mechanik [2]
Fane Knight Skeryth Issyen [0(8)]
Houseguard Thane [0(4)]
Lanyssa Ryssyl, Nyss Sorceress [4]
House Vyre Electromancers [8]
Houseguard Halberdiers (max) [13]
 - Houseguard Halberdier Officer & Standard [4]
 - Soulless Escort (1) [1]
Arcantrik Force Generator [17]

This is probably the list that makes the least sense.  I'm not sure the AFG actually fits but it is an AFG so it will probably pull its weight.  If I hadn't required myself to put in both an AFG and a unit of halbs...I'd probably drop the AFG and just play two units of halbs.

So after this little thought exercise I think all of these lists except maybe the two Vyros lists are probably worth at least testing.  A lot of them are also very similar.  On one hand that makes me feel like Defenders is pretty strong.  On the other hand it also makes me kinda impatient for some more options to make another theme more appealing.

Obviously with me limiting my selections by choice I could have swapped out a unit of halbs in some lists for a unit of ryssovas or swapped some support around (I almost put double ghost snipers in a list because I love them nearly as much as I love Destors).  Some of these casters I've never played (shade4) or never played in defenders (helynna), but I think I would be willing to try out those lists.


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