So it's been a couple of years since I've played but like many other players the broad scale update has me interested. The handful of games I've gotten in have definitely been enough to whet my appetite for more. I'm hoping to use this space to continue spotlighting specific models and combos as well as the occasional battle report. It will probably take some time for a broad tournament meta to sort out with this level of changes and it will likely be shaken up again when the Orgoth faction is released so these might need updates relatively soon. I also just finished a local steamroller with the new and, in my opinion, dramatically improved Kaelyssa so I'll almost certainly be starting with some thoughts on her changes.
I wanted to do a series of short posts on some specific units/models in the faction to see how, when, and why other players were using them. I thought I would start with a unit I want to love but never really manage to get on the table: House Shyeel Arcanists. Quick Breakdown spd 6 str 6 Mat 5 Rat 5 Def 13 Arm 12 Cmd 6 - 7 points for 3 models MA 5 - Empower, Force Strike (rng 8 pow 12 crit: Knock Down) Force Barrier Repair (d3+1) With that out of the way one of the biggest problems I have with them is they just aren't available. Only being available in Forges really cuts into their play as does the cost of additional support. They don't really replace the arcanist solo as they lack concentrated power so you are immediately looking at 9-11 points minimum on support pieces if you include them. The other issue I have with them is the low quality of their attack. Rng 8 pow 12 attacks on a support unit are decent enough but MA 5 makes it pretty iffy to ever actu...