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Showing posts from January, 2018

A Ravyn Battle Report

I got a pair of games in with the Ravyn list I posted previously.  A word of warning - I'm not particularly good at writing battle reports. Here is the Ravyn list: Retribution Army - 75 / 75 points [Theme] Defenders of Ios (Ravyn 1) Ravyn, The Eternal Light [+30]  - Helios [34] Arcanist Mechanik [2] Arcanist Mechanik [2] Eiryss, Mage Hunter of Ios [0(7)] Fane Knight Skeryth Issyen [0(8)] Houseguard Thane [0(4)] House Vyre Electromancers [8] House Vyre Electromancers [8] Houseguard Halberdiers (max) [13]  - Houseguard Halberdier Officer & Standard [4] Arcantrik Force Generator [17] Arcantrik Force Generator [17] Game 1 was against a Nemo3 list that my buddy was testing out.  It had a pair of storm towers and a whole bunch of storm smiths.  I don't believe I have ever seen a storm tower in the wild.  The list is at the end.  I will have ADR sideboard in the event I am running ravyn at in a couple of weeks but I decided to test t...

An update to my list quandry

My previous post was asking for some help deciding on my list pair for a local steam roller in February.  After I posted it the TO tossed me a challenge to go single list Ravyn for the day.  So we are going single list Ravyn.  After a quick ask for help I was pointed to a very similar version of the following by William Dutton and Dan Sedman.  It meshes well with my initial idea of going Helios and at least one AFG and I do love me some electromancers. Retribution Army - 75 / 75 points [Theme] Defenders of Ios (Ravyn 1) Ravyn, The Eternal Light [+30]  - Helios [34] Arcanist Mechanik [2] Arcanist Mechanik [2] Eiryss, Mage Hunter of Ios [0(7)] Fane Knight Skeryth Issyen [0(8)] Houseguard Thane [0(4)] House Vyre Electromancers [8] House Vyre Electromancers [8] Houseguard Halberdiers (max) [13]  - Houseguard Halberdier Officer & Standard [4] Arcantrik Force Generator [17] Arcantrik Force Generator [17] Basically ...

Hey I might play in an event - help me list build

So my actual table time has been way down lately due largely to having to deal with real life instead of just playing warmens (boo!!), but it looks like I'll be able to make it to a local SR next month.  I may or may not get any games in before then so let's build some lists and see how we do.  As far as opponents I am very likely to see Cygnar, Skorne, Legion, Cryx, and Circle. I've decided that I am likely to run either Issyria/Thyron or Issyria/Vyros1 as my pair.  Retribution Army - 75 / 75 points [Theme] Shadows of the Retribution (Vyros 1) Dawnlord Vyros [+28]  - Harpy [9]  - Harpy [9]  - Harpy [9]  - Imperatus [22]  - Siren [8]  - Siren [8]  - Siren [8] Arcanist Mechanik [2] Arcanist Mechanik [2] Arcanist Mechanik [2] Narn, Mage Hunter of Ios [0(6)] Mage Hunter Infiltrators (min) [8] Spears of Scyrah [9]  - Eiryss, Mage Hunter Commander [6]  - Soulless Escort (1) [1] Retribution Army - 75 / 75 poin...

I have a problem

Bonus post because I want to impress y'all with my content generation capabilities ☺(just kidding I just had another topic to write about) So like it says in the title...I have a problem.  I love Destors.  Love them.  I love the look of the unit as the models are great and every time I look at the card and always think these should do something right?  So on occasion I dust off my Destors and try to find a list for them that I think really works. The most recent time I read through the Destor card I noticed that the Dawnguard don't really have a defining rule.  Think something like how pretty much all the Banes have ghostly or Trenchers have tough.  I had the opportunity to mention this to Mr. Will Pagani and ask (somewhat jokingly) if Destors should have Wall of Steel like Invictors and Sentinels both do.  His response was along the lines of an argument could be made that Wall of Steel is a defining feature of Dawnguard but it would be quite the...
So in the post ATC discussions about Ret a lot of interesting points were brought up so I decided to sit down and attempt to do a write up of my thoughts regarding the current state Ret in a competitive sense. I should note that this might get a little long and my goal isn’t to stir up a big salt storm or anything. For some background I enjoy playing Ret even though I think it suffers from some substantial issues. There are a lot of elements of the faction that I enjoy and I am not shelving the faction or anything like that. I’m also going to try to focus my thoughts on the idea that a “competitive sense” means bringing Ret to a major event (team or solo) with a focus on making it to the second day with a serious idea of winning the overall event. I don’t intend to play down local events or anything but I think there is such a variance in local metas and individual skill levels that it makes sense to focus this discussion on being successful in the latter parts of bigger events wh...
I decided to start a blog mostly because I came up with a name I liked.  I'm going to start the first post with my overly long winded analysis of Retribution themes.  I'm not entirely sure how much I'll actually end up posting on this as my table time has decreased as of late.  I'd like to use it to post lists I am testing and the outcomes of those games.  I'll probably also post random thoughts about the faction from time to time.